Best Painless RCT in Rohini & Pitampura
We at Dr Gupta’s Dental Clinic want the best and the latest for our patients. Gone are the days when just to do a single root canal you had to make three to four visits to a dentist. With the latest endodontic equipment.
That we use in our office not only is the root canal done in single sitting but is totally painless. Our patients are so amazed sometimes that they just can’t believe that the treatment is over. Root Canal, is the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the dental pulp.
The pulp is made up of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue, which are important in tooth development.
Book an Appointment to schedule your consultation today!
How do you know if you have an inflamed/infected tooth nerve?
Some signs are heat and cold sensitivity, swelling and pain, or a bad taste in your mouth. Or, you may experience no symptoms at all, and not realize that you have a dental problem until your Dentist discovers this before you get symptoms.
How does a nerve get inflamed/infected in the root canal?
Deep cavities allow germs to get into the pulp chamber. These germs cause infection, and the pulp dies. The pus from the infection eventually builds up at the root tip and makes a hole in the bone. This is called an abscess. A blow to a tooth may also cause the pulp to die and then become infected.
An infected tooth will never heal on its own, and as it gets worse, it will continue to be a source of infection that weakens your immune system. This can affect your entire body. This damage to the bone and the swelling inside the bone can also be excruciatingly painful, and even life-threatening.
The procedure

The dentist will examine the tooth and x-rays before numbing the area around the affected tooth. They will then drill through to the pulp area, either through the top or the back of the tooth. Very small instruments and an antiseptic solution will be used to clean the pulp and root canals and a space is shaped for a filling.
When the space has been cleaned and shaped, the dentist will fill the root canal with a bio compatible material. This is usually a flexible plastic material called “guttapercha” ensuring that the root canals are completely sealed. Normally, a temporary filling will be inserted to close the opening.
The temporary filling will be removed by your dentist before the tooth is restored. After this, you must return to your dentist for the restoration work. If there is no sign of any infection a crown or permanent filling will be inserted. If the tooth is too weak to hold the restoration in place, your dentist may place a post inside the tooth. Ask your dentist for more details about the specific restoration planned for your tooth.